Summer School

Summer School

The WSL Biodiversity Center offers a yearly summer school focused on current topics in biodiversity research and outreach. The summer school gives PhD students (from any higher education institution in Switzerland and around the world) and young professionals the opportunity to deepen their knowledge of a particular scientific topic and to learn new approaches. Our goal is to build capacity and increase knowledge transfer and visibility.

Committed to our principle of collaboration and networking, we organized these schools in collaboration with other institutions.  In 2022, the summer school was on forest biodiversity and was offered in collaboration with the SwissForestLab (FORBIODIV: Biodiversity, a key element for temperate forest ecosystems). In 2023, together with the Blue-Green Research Initiative (WSL & Eawag), we organized a summer school on blue-green biodiversity (Blue-green biodiversity. Research and practice at the interface of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems).  

The program usually consists of keynote lectures, hands-on exercises, discussions, excursions, and group work around the summer school theme. Lecturers are WSL specialists and international leaders in the offered fields.